QUIKTOPIA is committed to protecting your privacy. We provide this notice explaining our online information practices.
This notice applies to all information collected on the quiktopia.com website. In some cases, we collect personal information to assist in the facilitation of a user's objectives on our site. The information collected includes names, addresses (IP, email, or physical), phone numbers, browser types/versions, geographic location, viewed pages, and more.
Our website uses the Google Ads remarketing service to advertise on third party websites, google.com included, to our site's previous visitors. This could mean that we advertise to previous visitors who have not completed a task on our site; for example, using the contact form to make an inquiry. Third-party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on their user's previous visits to the quiktopia.com website. Any data collected this way will be used in accordance with our own privacy policy as well as Google's privacy policy.
quiktopia.com also collects potentially personally identifying information through Google Analytics. The analytics feature implemented is based on Display Advertising (e.g., Google Display Network Impression Reporting, or Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting). Visitors can opt-out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising and customer Display Network ads using Ads Settings.
QUIKTOPIA will not facilitate the merging of personally identifiable information with non-personally identifiable information previously collected from Google Display Advertising features that is based on the DoubleClick cookie. The user's prior affirmative consent (i.e., opt-in). QUIKTOPIA also collects potentially personally identifying information such as Internet Protocol (IP) addresses for logged in users.
We have a legitimate interest in running a successful and efficient business, providing you with content and services. The information we collect, both on its own and combined with other data, is used for the following purposes we strive to